Thursday, February 28, 2013

We went to Utah.

 Lydia helped me pack. Well, she really got out ALL my workout clothes...while I packed. 

 Miracle of miracles, the flight out to SLC wasn't full, so the little lady got to ride in her carseat! Heaven on earth for mom. 

 Just checking out the view.

Grandma had some super fun Lydia-friendly apps for her to check out. Which would you choose: Broccoli or Ipad? 

First day up on the slopes. Heaven on earth.  

 Lydia out for a walk. 

 Lydia's view on the walk. 


Olivia wore this scarf one night to dinner. It was so adorable.  

 Lydia continues to practice taking things out of drawers. 

Mom helped me fix a nagging split in my finger with super glue. While the split was fixed, other problems were created. 

Going to BYU-I to visit Caitlyn. I don't know whey people complain about Rexburg. It was 45 and sunny with no wind while were there. ;)

 Visiting with Grandma Coy!

 This is how we spent A LOT of our trip. I got a sinus infection, and Lydia was teething. But what better place to be sick that at grandma's? I mean, you have someone else to fix your food, and several people interested in taking care of your baby.

 Oh, and we continued to empty drawers of all sorts.

 My last day there, Maren and I went up to Solitude. Maren had never skied before, and she was awesome!

 Since Maren is a beginner, they set her binding SUPER loose, and her ski kept coming off. On our second run I attempted to fix it. That ended poorly. Luckily I knew Mom had some super glue at home (from previous experience) and we just super glued this all up, with no other fingers getting involved. :)

I own a snowboard people. And I am still terrified everytime I go. I only snowboarded the last hour of our trip, and it was really fun, but I still much prefer skiing.  

No ski trip is complete without a yuuuuummmmmy treat after. So we stopped at Bruges Waffles and Frites for authentic Belgian Waffles. You need to go folks. You NEED to.  

 On our way home!
 First day up. Pictures do weird things sometimes in blogger. 

Sleeping baby right before I had to wake her up to go to the airport. 

Great trip. Next time the sinus infection is not invited. Neither is the teething. But otherwise, we'd do it all again in a heartbeat. 


Coopers said...

bummer about getting sick. that always seems to happen to you. glad you could make it to some snow, even if it was only twice.
looks like lydia keeps you busy.

Kristin said...

Sorry about the sinus infection, but I LOVE your pictures and your blog. And you. Can you come and ski Colorado next?