Wednesday, March 27, 2013

We went to Tennessee!

A few weeks ago Andrew went to Austin for SXSWedu. He was gone for about a week, and he left on Sunday.

On Sunday one of the girls I visit teach asked if I could give her a ride to the airport, in DC, the next day.

Lydia and I didn't have much going on, so I said sure. We could do that. Monday I woke up, and thought, "As long as I'm going to DC, I might as well keep going to Tennessee to visit Brent, Amber et al. So I texted Amber, and she said come on down! So we did. :)

One of my favorite things about the trip was just sitting and talking to Elli and Sammi. They would say the funniest things! One day Elli and I were just sitting, and out of the blue she professed her love for Uncle Will. I tried to recapture it, but it wasn't nearly as funny. She then wanted to interview me.

It was Dr. Suess Week at school, and Sammi was particularly into the crazy hair part of the celebration. She did her own hair, and came with me to Walmart. 

Elli on her way to Ballet. Such a serious little dancer. 

Sammi reading. So Awesome. One thing that is particularly fun at Sammi right now, is that she identifies my relationship to her dad much more than she identifies my relationship to her. This leads to her saying a lot things like, "Your brother....."

For instance:
A: What are you going to have for snack today?
S: Your brothers favorite. (Which lead to microwaving pretzels in an effort to create chex mix. "He loves this. Sometimes I sneak fiber in with all the other tasty things.")

Upon seeing a string of Christmas lights still on the house:
S: Your brother is so funny! He stood on a ladder to put the Christmas lights on the house! He is so tall, he doesn't even need a ladder. 
A: The roof can be hard to reach though, Sammi.
S: Do you know how tall your brother is? I mean, his arms can reach half way across the table.

She paricularly loves when Brent and I are in the same room. "A brother and a sister!"

And because Sammi had her picture taken, Elli wanted hers taken, too. So cute!

Proof that I brought Lydia along. 


Coopers said...

Loving everything about this post. Love the videos, quotes, and pictures!
I was dying about the "brother" stories. And I'm guessing Sammi fit right in at Walmart. :)
Fun you got to see them!

Will said...

Very fun. I don't know what I've done to deserve the adoration of Elli but I'll take it!