Thursday, June 27, 2013

While Dad's Away....

Andrew was at ISTE this week. He comes back TODAY and we're so excited!

A few pictures from his absence. 

Lydias eating habits have been all over the board this week. For dinner Sunday she wanted nothing but blueberries. So that's what I let her have. And a pound later, she was done. And diapers were awesome for the next two days. 

Who is this child, and where is the baby that lives at my house? All on her own, folks. It looks pretty vertical, but it's really at a slant, she's not THAT advanced. Check back next week. 

A friend invited us to go to the fountains in the harbor Monday Morning. They are awesome. A little high for Lydia, but there is one that is just her size. That's where we hung out the whole time. She is getting braver and braver around water. We hope someday she sits down in the bathtub?

After fountains (not pictured) Indian Food with a friend from church. Lydia loved it, I was totally surprised! But also so happy! 

Tuesday morning we went for the longest run of young Lydia's life: we made it all the way around the harbor. I had planned it out so that we parked at a point where if she hated running in the first mile, we could just turn around. At about mile 1.5 and 2.5 and 3 there were parks we could stop at if we needed. And the Ferry ride back to the car was at the end, counting on her needing to get out of the stroller

She really liked playing these chimes.  We've been to this park before, but I think she gets overwhelmed/distracted by other kids. You might not know this, but parks in the middle of downtown in the tourist part of town aren't filled with kids at 7 am. 

Our view while we waited for the ferry back to the car. We ran over there!

Checking out the water from the ferry. We've ridden the ferry a few times, and she always chews on the zipper. Gross? Probably. But you have to choose your battles. Trying to jump off the boat vs. Chewing the Zipper. There's a clear winner of the battle I fight. 

Later that day, lots of book reading. It was HOT outside. We read all the books at our house, and then went to the library. The little girl in the background was helping Lydia put on all the costumes. One of Lydia's favorite parts of the library is all the other kids that want to play with her. She was the firefighting-police-doctor. She loved it. 

Today while eating yogurt. She thought she was so funny!

We went back to the fountains yesterday afternoon. After the fountains, it was much cooler than I had thought it would be, and I could tell Lydia wasn't ready for a nap. So we went to the park at the top of Federal Hill. 

We have walked to the park about a million times. But we always walk on the same side of the street. Today we crossed and walked on the other side, and we walked by this gorgeous house! I've never noticed it before. This is actually the side of the house, looking into the side-courtyard. I kind of wanted to take pictures of the front looking INTO the house, because it was just gorgeous. But I felt too self conscious. So instead this was me pretending to check my phone...while taking a picture. I could probably be a spy with my skills....

Lovely planters on our walk. 

And TODAY Andrew comes home. :)


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