Friday, April 12, 2013

Eliana and Mom come to visit!

Eliana and Andrew's Mom came to visit for Spring Break! We LOVED having them here...we just loved having them here so much we forgot to take very many pictures. And the pictures we did take are in no particular order. 

We decided to go up to Philadelphia and stay Friday night. Mom is teaching 5th grade right now, so US History is at the front of her mind. While we had seen a lot of the sites, it's always fun to see them with new visitors.

We stopped at Lore's Chocolates and picked up some Easter treats. So yummy!

 Mom and Aunt Debbie (Debbie and Kent came to Philly, too! SO MUCH FUN!)

We took them to the Baltimore Museum of Art, one of our favorites!

This is how Lydia felt about church on Easter Sunday, "Let's get out of here!" And we did. She naps RIGHT when church starts, but she WILL NOT nap anywhere but her crib. So when she had a major breakdown and couldn't be calmed....we just went home. 

Helping Grandma with plans for Debbie and Kent's yard (the actual reason they came out).

Who knew the BMA had such a killer gift shop? Seriously. Best place to buy kids toys and books. 

Chillin' with Grandma so Mom and Dad could go to the temple. 

If you ever go to Philly, you MUST go to Franklin Fountain. SO worth the line. And the price. It's just adorable. Andrew and I walked down on Friday night after we had put Lydia to bed. It was probably past 10 pm and we felt like such rebels. (not to worry, mom was with Lydia.) I mean, how often to parents get to go out at 10 pm. NEVER.

Lydia, asserting her independence at Independence Hall. 

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