Monday, April 8, 2013

Lydia's new ride.

We went for a walk before conference down to our local tot-lot. It just happened to be the day that city parks was featuring the park, so there were lots of other parents and kids, and cupcakes and water, too! I wish we had gotten more video of her GETTING to the slide, but she's fearless. Totally undaunted by the size of the slide.

We opted to give Lydia her birthday present early. And well, we only called it her "birthday present" because it's her birthday month. And it's for her. But let's be honest, she has no clue what birthday's are.  The last few weeks have been REALLY windy, which has made the 50 degree days feel like 40 degree days, and this week is in the 70s all week. So we HAD to have this to finally welcome spring. It couldn't sit in the basement for 3 weeks, just because it "wasn't her birthday yet."

We went for our first ride today! She's definitely not up for a LONG ride yet, but a few miles and she's pretty happy. :)

1 comment:

Coopers said...

Yay!!! And how cute is that helmet? And I love that she is wearing it for the "birthday unwrap!" Super cute!!